Your email account is an open door to your personal life. This makes it the perfect exploitation tool for hackers and cyber criminals. From bank account information to social media logins, a person’s inbox can be filled with private data that can be used to cause great havoc on one’s life. It’s no wonder why hacking an email account is so common. With this being said, here’s what you can do to improve your email security.

Use a Reputable Email Client

Outlook or Gmail should do. They are free, easy to use, have privacy built-in features, and provide security updates on a constant basis.

Get the Basics Down

If you don’t have a strong base in place, everything else will fall apart. This tip applies to your login credentials, too.  Make sure your email address is unique. Be sure to use a long password with characters, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers. Keep your password a secret, and don’t use the same password for more than one account.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

This method allows you to add a second verification method. It usually comes in the form of a secondary email code or text message verification code. This helps to add another layer of protection to your email account.This feature has gained widespread recognition in recent years, and because of this, most major email client websites that store data offers this feature to its clients.

Be on the Lookout for Threats

If you are aware of the threats you’re likely to face, you can identify and resolve these problems before they even arise. This doesn’t mean that you should go out looking for viruses. On the contrary, you should just know what to look out for. Cyber criminals are slick. They’ll use tactics that are so simple, you won’t even know you fell into their trap. One tip is to never click on any suspicious links. Beware of spam, and don’t log in to linked accounts through your email client. Luckily, most internet browsers are able to spot these threats before you even see them and will send you a warning. Others will potentially slip through the browser’s security system.

Use Encryption

If you deal with bank details through your email client, maybe it’s best if you got yourself a stronger level of protection. An extra layer of encryption should do. Most internet browsers do a fair job of cryptography, but if you’re really serious about your internet security you may want to install programs such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Although it’s not so easy for a beginner to use, it will offer you the stronger level of protection you need.

Approach Public Wi-Fi with Caution

Sometimes we’ll need the help of public wi-fi to access the internet on the go. However, you should never log in to important accounts (such as your bank account) on an open and shared network. If you must use public wi-fi, then at least use a good virtual private network to protect your data.

Final Thoughts

While applying these tips certainly won’t protect you against advanced cyber criminals or NSA spying, basic internet security knowledge is important to keep your accounts protected..

What do you do to keep your email account safe?  Do you have any questions or comments for us?  We’d love to hear from you!