
WordPress is an excellent platform for bloggers and businesses. Plugins on WordPress are meant to be tools to help you manage and be more productive on your WordPress site. Choosing the right plugins can greatly improve your site. Here are 10 plugins well worth looking into.

1. WordPress SEO By Yoast

WordPress itself, is already a great platform for SEO. This particular plugin takes it a bit further and builds upon your SEO content. The plugin helps you to write better SEO  articles and content, as well as checking for meta descriptions, tags, and word count. Overall, SEO By Yoast will improve your search engine optimization and drive more people to your site. This is an ideal plugin for anyone looking to reach more people and improve your online visibility.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a plugin that will show you reports on how your page or site is doing. It shows you the number of visitors to your site, traffic sources, keyword reports, and various other reports regarding your sites statuses. This is a resourceful tool for anyone wanting to build a great site and keep track of their performances. It truly lets you know how you are doing.

3. W3 Total Cache

Nobody likes pages that load slowly. A slow loading page will quickly turn away visitors. The W3 Total Cache plugin reduces page load time and visitors typically stay on your page longer because of it. Also, this plugin helps improve your search engine rankings, improves web server performance, and includes various security features. This WordPress plugin is nice to have, especially as you are building your business from the ground up.

4. Revslider

Slideshows have been growing in popularity lately. Many people are too impatient to read anything, however, they don’t mind clicking through a slideshow. This plugin helps create great slideshows and front page designs. It really brings a new quality to your images and the way you view them.

5. Defender

WordPress is a commonly used platform. Defender is a good security plugin to protect your site. This plugin scans your site and reports back any suspicious activity. It also analyzes your security, includes cloud backups, and repairs and restores changed files. The internet is not always the most secure place to be, however Defender is a great security tool to have on your side.

6. Jetpack

This plugin is like multiple WordPress plugins in one! It will show you the visitor stats to your WordPress site, increase your traffic flow, enhance your security settings, and speed up your site. If you want one plugin in that can help with many areas of your site, this is one of the best plugins out there.

7. Akismet

This WordPress plugin will help you filter through spam comments and actually see the true genuine comments on your site. You will need an API Key to use this plugin it, but it is well worth having. Anything that looks like spam will be located and marked so that you can review it later or dispose of it.

8. Simple Social Icons

Social media is a great tool for businesses. It helps engage your visitors and keeps them coming back. This WordPress plugin links your different social media accounts to your WordPress account with icons. Many people who see your website will also look to see if you have a Facebook page, Twitter account, or an Instagram account. This plugin makes it readily available to them.

9. Quick and Easy FAQS

People often look for FAQs when they visit your site. This plugin helps you to easily build your FAQS in a clean and simple list. It really helps you to add this important feature to your site.

10. Mailchimp

This plugin on WordPress helps build your subscriber list in many ways. It features nice looking opt-in forms and various sign up forms that will work well with your other plugins. If you like to send information, events, and other materials to your subscribers, this is an excellent way to build on that.

Which WP plugins are your favorites?  Any specific plugins you’d like us to cover in our blog?  We’d love to hear from you!  Comment below!