Softaculous is the leading auto-installer application for servers with Cpanel. With more than 215 scripts available, the company continues to add more each day in order to cover all of their customers’ needs. With so many categories to choose from, you can find just about anything you can imagine to make your website more powerful. That’s because with softaculous, there’s something for everyone. There are applications to manage customer service, blogs, projects, and so much more! This application has been known to considerably reduce the time spent on monotonous tasks in just a few clicks and with no technical knowledge whatsoever.
To access this tool, simply go to Control Panel and locate the “Softaculous” option.
Now, here are 4 reasons why we think Softaculous can be good for you and your business.
One of the great things about Softaculous is its practicality. It has a friendly interface, is easy to use, and just about anyone can install and use this application with no specific knowledge whatsoever.
1. Easy to Use
One of its biggest advantages is speed. At a click of a button, owners will be able to install the system without the need to upload files via FTP, uncompress them, and other complex sets of tasks. It’s no wonder most people choose Softaculous when installing WordPress.
2. Organized
All applications are sorted by categories, so it’s easier to find what you need and to choose the language in which you wish to install the applications.
3. Community
Softaculous has a spot for users to be able to evaluate and review script reviews that were created by customers. This helps facilitate the selection process of the applications you want to use. Through rankings, reviews and demos, Softaculous will make the decision process easier for you.
4. Security
Another cool thing about Softaculous is that it will alert you whenever there is a new version of the application you used on your site. Everybody knows that it is extremely important to keep your applications up to date. This assures that you can avoid unpleasant encounters with hackers and will keep your site safe at all times.
Since the security of your site depends on the constant updating of the application you are running, then there is no better tool to notify whenever a new version is available.
Another point in favor of Softaculous is the security measures they take in regards to their clients personal information. It is stored and encrypted, and applications from Softaculous are installed on HTTPS protocol for safety.
Final Thoughts
Softaculous is the best choice for users looking for an efficient and reliable service, organized in a friendly way. It has an easy interface, which allows quick installation of all the applications you need (with no special knowledge needed on your part).
If the quick installation wasn’t already good enough, Softaculous is a great alternative to any need you have in terms of content managers.
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